Register with us as a New Patient




Changes to registration during Covid-19 Pandemic

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are reducing the need for patients to come into the practice. To register you will need to first complete our online registration form

You will then just need to bring your photo identification and proof of address to reception to complete your application to register and enable on line access.


How To Register

If you wish to register you will need to complete the forms enclosed in the registration pack. This includes: personal details e.g. name, address, D.o.B. etc. and also a medical questionnaire to help us look after you whilst we are awaiting your complete medical record.


Registration Process

Registration forms should be fully completed making sure that:

  • Your name and address are legible.
  • You include your date and place of birth.
  • You provide up to date contact telephone numbers.
  • Tell us details about your current/previous GP.
  • Tell us if you come from abroad and provide us with the date of entry into England.
  • Provide proof of ID & Address (See below)
  • Sign the application.

Patient’s Questionnaire 

Ensure that you fill as much information about your medical history as possible.


Practice Leaflet  (to be kept safely)

Practice Leaflet lists all you need to know about personnel, opening times, out of hours and everything else that you may need to know to be able to access our services.


Registration Forms

Please fill out our online patient registration form below

Online Registration Form

  • You should complete your application for registering with ‘Oakview’ and the patient’s questionnaire as soon as possible.
  • Reception staff will ask you to provide a valid Photo ID & Proof of Address.
  • Normally the registration process takes 7-10 days approx.
  • If you are on regular medication or have a chronic health condition we will ask that you make an appointment with the nurse within a month of registering so we can ensure that any ongoing treatment is continued.
  • If you are seeking to register a child under 6 please provide dates of all their vaccinations.
  • Once you are registered you may request access to our services online.

Practice Area

Our practice area extends from the A205 South Circular 'St Mildred's Road' at it's northern boundary to London Lane Bromley in the south and from Bromley Road on the west to Baring Road on the east


Named Accountable GP for all Patients

On registering at Oakview you will be allocated a named GP (Dr Tattersfield) who will be overall responsible for your care, however you are encouraged to see any doctor of your choice.


Information for New Patients

Thank you for registering with our GP practice.  This leaflet will give you information about local health services in Lewisham and the best way to take care of yourself and your family when you feel ill.

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